The Power of Parent Involvement in Autism Therapy

For children with autism, early intervention can make a world of difference. That’s why parent involvement is crucial to the success of any autism therapy program. When parents are actively involved in their child’s therapy process, they help create an environment that encourages learning and growth. Let’s take a look at why parent involvement with …

Understanding the Power of Nonverbal Communication for Autism

Autism is a complex disorder that affects an individual’s ability to communicate and interact with others. Individuals with autism often rely heavily on nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions and body language, to express their thoughts and feelings. Through Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy, many nonverbal individuals can learn to understand and use nonverbal communication …

How to Talk with Kids and Siblings About an Autism Diagnosis

How to Talk with Kids and Siblings About an Autism Diagnosis An autism diagnosis can be difficult for the entire family. It is important to create a safe and supportive environment for everyone, especially kids and siblings. Talking with them about the diagnosis is not easy; however, it can be done thoughtfully. Let’s explore some …

Helping Your Nonverbal Child With Autism Learn to Communicate

If you have a child with nonverbal autism, you understand the importance of helping them learn to communicate. While communication may not come easily for those with autism, various strategies and therapies can help your child learn how to articulate their thoughts and feelings. Let’s take a look at some of the most effective ways …

How to Ask for Support When Caring for a Child with Autism

As a parent of a child with autism, you may need extra help from your family and friends. Whether it’s getting help with childcare or needing someone to talk to about your experience, asking for support is essential. But how can you enlist it? Here are some tips for asking the people in your life …

Sensory-Friendly Spring Break Activities in Indiana

Spring break is coming up soon, and if you’re like most parents, you want to make sure that everyone in the family has an enjoyable vacation. If you have a child with autism, it can be difficult to find fun and sensory-friendly activities. Don’t worry – plenty of options in Indiana will keep your child …

Sensory-Friendly Crafts for St. Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick’s Day is a fun holiday for kids of all ages to celebrate. However, for autistic children, the hustle and bustle of the holiday can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to create sensory-friendly activities that help kids enjoy the day without feeling overstimulated. Here are some crafts you can do with your child …

Sleeping Tips For Children With Autism

Getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult for anyone, but it is an especially daunting challenge for parents of children with autism. Autism can make getting quality sleep difficult due to the unique ways in which individuals with autism experience and process the world around them. Fortunately, in this blog post Circle City ABA …

Understanding Autism: What You Need to Know

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological disorder that can cause social, communication, and behavioral difficulties. ASD affects 1 in 54 children and can alter the lives of those affected and their families. It’s important to stay informed about autism to understand how it may affect your family and the resources available to you. Here …

What You Need to Know About Autism Skills Assessments

Applied behavior analysis, commonly known as ABA therapy, is a type of treatment used to help individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. An important part of the process is assessing the skills of the individual in order to determine where they need help or additional support. If you are considering ABA therapy for your …