Sensory-Friendly Easter Activities for Kids with Autism

reads 'Happy Easter' over a blue background with colorful easter eggs

As Easter quickly approaches, parents of children with autism may wonder how to celebrate the holiday in a fun and sensory-friendly way. For kids on the autism spectrum, certain activities can cause sensory overload and trigger anxiety. However, plenty of autism-friendly Easter activities are creative ways to make the holiday enjoyable for everyone in the family. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Create a Sensory Bin:

Fill a large container with colorful plastic eggs containing little toys and treats such as Play-Doh, finger puppets, and candies; this will provide your child with an exciting visual stimulus while allowing them to explore different textures. You can even hide a few larger prizes at the bottom of the bin if your child needs extra motivation!

Make an Easter Card Craft:

Choose one of your child’s favorite characters—for example, their favorite Disney character or superhero—and use pictures from magazines or online images to create an Easter-themed card featuring that character. This activity engages multiple senses as your child looks at images and feels different textures while cutting and gluing paper or fabric onto the cardstock.

Take Part in Outdoor Activities:

Spending time outdoors can be invigorating for children on the autism spectrum as long as they are dressed appropriately for the weather and noise levels are kept low (try to avoid busy parks). For example, you could participate in a nature scavenger hunt by looking for leaves, flowers, animals, etc., or have an egg hunt in your backyard!

Celebrating Easter doesn’t have to be tricky for families with children on the autism spectrum. With these ideas in mind, you can create fun yet autism-friendly Easter activities that will help make this special day enjoyable for everyone! At Circle City ABA, we understand that every child is unique. If you need more guidance or support creating individualized strategies tailored to your kid’s needs, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here to help! Visit today!

About the Author

Heather de Jong

Heather de Jong is an accomplished Marketing & Communications Manager known for her expertise in the I/DD field. With a deep passion for empowering individuals with disabilities, Heather leverages her expertise in marketing and communications to raise awareness about the importance of ABA therapy in improving the lives of children on the autism spectrum.

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Circle City ABA specializes in applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy for children with autism and related conditions. Circle City ABA is a destination where play meets progress and our programs are designed with each child in mind.

The journey begins at initial assessment from our qualified team. Request enrollment information on our contact page.