How to Promote Positive Eating Habits in Children with Autism

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Promoting positive eating habits in children with autism can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often experience unique sensory sensitivities, rigid food preferences, and difficulty with changes, making mealtime a stressful event for both the child and their caregivers. However, with the right strategies and understanding, caregivers can foster a positive and healthy eating environment. This blog post will explore practical methods to encourage better eating habits in children with autism.

Understanding the Challenges

Children with autism may exhibit selective eating behaviors due to sensory sensitivities. They might prefer foods of a specific texture, color, or taste, and reject others, leading to a limited diet. Additionally, some children may have difficulty with the social aspects of eating, such as sitting at the table or using utensils. Recognizing these challenges is the first step toward addressing them effectively.

Strategies to Promote Positive Eating Habits

  1. Create a Structured Mealtime Routine
    Children with autism often thrive on routine. Establishing a consistent mealtime schedule can provide a sense of predictability and security. Ensure that meals are served at the same time each day and in a calm, distraction-free environment. Visual schedules can be beneficial in helping children understand and anticipate mealtime routines.
  2. Introduce New Foods Gradually
    Introducing new foods to children with autism should be a slow and patient process. Start with small portions and gradually increase the amount as the child becomes more comfortable. Pairing new foods with familiar favorites can also make the process less intimidating. It’s important to celebrate small victories and not force the child to eat something they are not ready for.
  3. Use Positive Reinforcement
    Positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool in promoting good eating habits. Praise and reward children when they try new foods or display appropriate mealtime behaviors. Rewards can include verbal praise, stickers, or extra playtime. The goal is to make mealtime a positive experience associated with positive outcomes.
  4. Involve the Child in Food Preparation
    Involving children in food preparation can increase their interest in trying new foods. Simple tasks such as washing vegetables, stirring ingredients, or setting the table can give children a sense of control and participation. This involvement can also serve as a sensory activity, helping them become more comfortable with different textures and smells.
  5. Address Sensory Sensitivities
    Sensory sensitivities can significantly impact the eating habits of children with autism. Pay attention to the child’s reactions to different textures, temperatures, and smells. Sometimes, modifying the presentation of food can make a difference. For example, if a child dislikes mixed textures, serving foods separately might help. Additionally, using sensory-friendly utensils and plates can make mealtime more comfortable.
  6. Seek Professional Support
    Working with professionals such as occupational therapists, speech therapists, and dietitians who specialize in autism can provide additional support and strategies tailored to your child’s needs. These professionals can offer personalized interventions and help address any underlying issues that may be affecting eating habits.
  7. Model Positive Eating Behaviors
    Children often learn by observing others. Model positive eating behaviors by eating a variety of healthy foods and demonstrating good mealtime manners. Encourage family meals where everyone sits together and engages in positive conversation. This not only promotes healthy eating habits but also strengthens family bonds.


Promoting positive eating habits in children with autism requires patience, consistency, and creativity. By understanding the unique challenges these children face and implementing tailored strategies, caregivers can create a supportive environment that encourages healthy eating behaviors. Remember, progress may be slow, but each small step is a victory toward a healthier, happier child.

About Circle City ABA

Circle City ABA passionately nurtures progress through play with ABA therapy. We develop programs and services specifically designed for each child. Our child-centered, compassionate approach to therapy brings family goals and clinical best practices in tandem to help kids learn and grow. We’ll work together to define success and help your child achieve it. Contact our admissions team for more information on our services and how we can support you and your child. Find a location near you! We serve Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, and Nebraska.


For more information and support, please consult resources such as the Autism Speaks website and professional guidance from autism specialists.

  1. Autism Speaks. (2021). Autism and Nutrition: How to Promote Healthy Eating Habits. Retrieved from Autism Speaks.
  2. The Autism Society. (2021). Mealtime Tips for Children with Autism. Retrieved from The Autism Society.
  3. National Autistic Society. (2021). Eating Problems and Autism. Retrieved from National Autistic Society.

This blog post provides comprehensive strategies and insights to help promote positive eating habits in children with autism. By implementing these approaches, caregivers can make mealtime a more enjoyable and nutritious experience for their children.

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About the Author

Heather de Jong

Heather de Jong is an accomplished Marketing & Communications Manager known for her expertise in the I/DD field. With a deep passion for empowering individuals with disabilities, Heather leverages her expertise in marketing and communications to raise awareness about the importance of ABA therapy in improving the lives of children on the autism spectrum.

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Circle City ABA specializes in applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy for children with autism and related conditions. Circle City ABA is a destination where play meets progress and our programs are designed with each child in mind.

The journey begins at initial assessment from our qualified team. Request enrollment information on our contact page.