Harnessing the Power of Social Praise

In Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, effective communication and reinforcement hold incredible potential for nurturing positive behaviors and achieving developmental milestones. One invaluable tool in this endeavor is the strategic use of social praise. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of social praise, its significance in ABA therapy, and how Circle City ABA …

The Role of Sensory Play for Children with Autism

Children with autism often experience sensory sensitivities impacting their daily lives and development. Sensory play, characterized by engaging activities stimulating the senses, holds immense significance in supporting a child’s growth. In this blog post, we’ll delve into why sensory play is crucial for children with autism, backed by research and expert insights, and how Circle …

Empowering Families: Indiana Autism Organizations Providing Support and Hope

Supporting families with autistic children is crucial, benefiting both the families’ well-being and the children’s future development. Families of autistic children often contend with the complex healthcare and education systems alongside emotional and financial stressors. Through support, including information, therapy services, respite care, and emotional guidance, we empower families to understand better and meet their …

Exploring Autism-Friendly Activities in Cedar Rapids

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is a vibrant city known for its welcoming community and diverse activities for people of all ages and interests. They have a growing list of options for families and individuals seeking autism-friendly activities. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, here are some fantastic autism-friendly activities in Cedar Rapids. Autism-Friendly Activities in …

5 Myths Debunked about ABA

MYTH 5. ABA takes place at a table to drill skills. TRUTH IS: ABA is Everywhere! If your child loves his favorite chair, ABA can start there. At school? Absolutely! Center-based therapy is highly effective for children with autism who need a controlled environment to develop language, reduce problem behavior, and acquire ready-to-learn skills for …

10 Tips for a Successful Haircut Experience

For children with autism, everyday experiences like getting a haircut can be overwhelming and challenging. The sensory stimuli, unfamiliar environment, and unexpected touch can trigger anxiety and discomfort. As parents and caregivers, ensuring a successful haircut experience minimizes stress and makes the process more enjoyable for everyone involved. In this blog post, we’ll share ten …

Embracing Inclusivity: Autism-Friendly Activities in Omaha

Omaha, Nebraska, is a vibrant and welcoming city that prides itself on fostering community and inclusivity. For individuals with autism and their families, finding engaging and accommodating activities can sometimes be a challenge. However, Omaha offers various autism-friendly activities catering to diverse interests and abilities. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of Omaha’s best …

Navigating the Playground: Top Tips for Families with Children Who Have Autism

Playgrounds are beautiful places for children to explore, socialize, and have fun. However, for families with children on the autism spectrum, a trip to the playground can present unique challenges. Understanding how to create a positive and supportive playground experience is essential as a parent or caregiver. This blog post will explore the top tips …

Exploring Peoria, Arizona with an Autistic Child

Whether you are doing a staycation or traveling for a vacation, exploring Peoria, AZ, will surely please everyone! Traveling with a child on the autism spectrum can present unique challenges, but it should never hold you back from creating beautiful memories together. Peoria, Arizona, offers many family-friendly activities that cater to the needs of children …

Embracing Autism-Friendly Fun in Iowa!

Circle City ABA is excited to share some fantastic autism-friendly activities right in the heart of Iowa. These activities are carefully crafted to ensure that everyone, whether on the autism spectrum or supporting someone who is, can have a blast and feel right at home. Let’s jump right into the delightful adventures waiting for you! …